
designNsuch is written by me, Kristin Potenti. I am a newly thirty something, diy maven, fashionista in the midst of a major home renovation. Oh, and I’m taking on another hobby…photography. Welcome 🙂

10 Responses to About

  1. elena says:

    love you and love this site!

  2. Miz D says:

    Hey Girl! We have much in common so I just had to subscribe to your blog…thanks for posting the addy on Houzz. I love what you are doing; thanks so much for the inspiration! My home project starts this year ( a new build in Mexico) and the plan is for LOTS of unusual elements in a minimalist style home. I’ll be reading and learning from you so please keep sharing…:)

    • designnsuch says:

      Thanks for the subscribe and the compliments Miz D! It’s so nice to know that my writing is helping/inspiring you. That definitely keeps me motivated to continue sharing.

      You must be so excited about your home project. What is the building process like in Mexico? Your design concept sounds great. Best of luck!

  3. Chris says:

    We are interested in running your last blog. We will give you full authorship credit with links back to your blog. We just love your open conversation with your experience with Lime Wash!

  4. Hi, Kristin! Just wanted to say hello – (Not to sound creepster) I found your blog through a comment you left on Mimi&Meg. You sound so much like me with taking on more projects than you can really handle, and now I see that you are doing a fab job renovating a home! So wanted to say hi and that I’ll be following along! ox

    • designnsuch says:

      Thanks so much for stopping by Tobe! Thanks for the compliment on the reno. It’s the forever project. Glad to “meet” someone that has my same take on everything issue. 😉

  5. abigail says:

    How did the EcoProcote Deco-Poz hold up in the shower? And why did you choose this product?
    Thank You,

    • designnsuch says:

      I’ve only been using the shower for about a month now, so I can’t really say yet. The most important thing is the sealer applied on top as that will keep out any water. There’s another commenter who has had success with the decopoz.

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